Jesus questioned His own on occasion, and sometimes He could sound demanding and judgmental. “Could you not even pray with me for an hour?” He once scolded them; though He understood their spiritual weakness, acknowledging the frailty of human nature to give in when the Spirit would endure. However, He yet called His disciples to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, that they might engage the enemy and claim victories for the Kingdom of God.

    The disciples initially bristled against the Master’s call to prayer and His beckoning to walk after the Spirit of God; yet one day they learned the necessity of His words. That day, was the day the Master was crucified, and they found themselves fearful and scattered. It would never happen again.

    When the resurrected Christ called them together for prayer, they obeyed, and diligently sought after His promise of strength: And when Day of Spiritual blessing had fully come, they were all gathered together with one accord; for they had determined to be faithful. 

    Prayer meeting is Wednesday at 6pm...Let’s pray together!