There is that which stalks Christ’s Church today like the terrible, dreaded, deadly Black Plague. This sin which is as black and damaging as any is the sin of self pity. This sin shows itself in two ways. First, it leads the person to feel sorry for himself and to feel that everyone is against him. (May I loan you my crying towel.) Second, it causes the person to feel they are doing all the work, while everyone else sits on their hands.

How the eternal work of Jesus is hindered by people with a rubber neck, who look at what someone else is doing and then maintain, “I’m doing all the work; I’m paying all the bills; I’m doing all the praying.” God pity them.

Dare you, dare I even once feel we’re doing too much for Jesus? Impossible! I can never do too much! I can never give too much. I can never pray too much.

Dear people, there’s one cure for this sickness. Make it a regular habit to kneel at the foot of the cross. As you are kneeling there, think how much He suffered for you. All friends forsook Him and fled. No man ever suffered for you. No man suffered like Jesus. Can you now look up into His marred face and say, “Jesus, I’m doing too much for you?”

If you can, what you probably need is to get saved. The cross demands our all. I’m afraid some have counted the cost and, like the rich young ruler, “went away sad.” It’s not too late! Take up your cross again, and forsaking ALL, GIVE HIM EVERYTHING--- FOLLOW HIM ONLY!